Writer : A.Riawan Amin
Publisher : Celestial publishing
Focus on : Chapter 1 The three pillars of Evil
1.Fiat money
2.Reserve fractional requirement (RFR)
Near the end of World War II (1939-1945) most of the Allied nations joined together in a conference held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to set up a new international monetary system, replacing the international gold standard that had collapsed during the Great Depression. The conference also provided for the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The U.S. dollar played a key role in the new system, becoming, in effect, the world’s currency. This was true, first, because all IMF members defined the value of their own currencies in terms of the dollar and, second, because the United States agreed to convert all dollars held by foreign governments into gold on demand and at the exchange rate agreed on when the IMF was established. Officially, this meant that the world was on a “gold exchange standard” since governments could change their currencies into gold via the U.S. dollar. (35 US Dollar equal to 1 ounce of Gold)
On December 18, 1971, the major nations of the world signed the Smithsonian Agreement, so named because it was worked out in a conference held at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. President Richard M. Nixon called it ‘the most significant monetary agreement in the history of the world'. The agreement did bring to a close a four-month period of currency floats that had begun on August 15, 1971, when Nixon unilaterally ended the Bretton Woods system by cutting the tie of the U.S. dollar to gold for international purposes.This closing of the “gold window” effectively ended all ties between the U.S. dollar and either gold or silver. Since then the United States has had a fully managed currency system, one with no metallic base whatsoever.
2. Reserve fractional requirement is policy apply by the government to any bank that operate within the country. The policy enforced bank to have minimum fraction of the money stored by the depositor as reserve. The reserve fractional requirement usually below 100%, its why they call it fractional. For example If Bank A RFR is 10%, this mean, if deposit in Bank A is RM100, the bank is only obligate to have minimun RM10 as a reserve. The remaining 90% (RM90) bank can offer it as a loan to those who need it. Logically there are no problems in this policy, BUT practically this policy make the Bank one of the agent that have influence in 'Money supply'. Bank also played part in "issuing" money. Just imagine if the deposit in the bank is RM100,000,000 and the RFR is just 10%. How much bank can 'produce' money from that?.Bear in mind that money supply has big influence in economic stability. This i will explain later.
V: velocity of money distribution
P: price of the output
Y: real output (quantity goods or services)
“Capitalist society” is an arena where individuals compete with one another under very harsh and ruthless conditions just like that described by Darwin, where only the "strong" survive, where the weak and powerless are crushed and eliminated.
- Origin of Banking -
how to break down this pillars?..one opinion is, all the nations must agree not to use dollar for their transactions....this method can be apply but who want to start since all the economy depends on america..
we can boycott the dollar, but what will happend if suddenly america boycott our products?
(i'm thinking...)
Yes! thats true. the key to break this system is to stop using fiat money, not just dollar but all type of fiat currency and start using back Gold and silver as medium of exchange. To stop using fiat money may sound problematical but its not impossible. Sure thing that gold and silver have disadvantages, but compared to fiat money this currency is much more stable and the track record of this currency has proven it anti-inflation quality.
I agree with your opinion that most of the countries especially muslim countries still depend on US as a worldpower that has global economic influence. But still, for the muslim coutries (member of OIC), they can use gold and silver as their international currency in import-export among themselves,
but they dont. we dont. why ? = disunite - ignorance - stupid - coward.
Individually as a muslim what should we do? my personal views,
1. Improve our knowledge. Read and understand the problems and find other alternatives.
2. Spread the knowledge to others.
3. Support islamic alternatives (such as Islamic banking).
satu ayat dr.umar ibrahim vadillo:
'semua perkara bermula dari diri sendiri'
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